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The EELA Project participates in the 7th SADC Industrialisation Week

EELA Session with Minister Ndlovu in attendance

Members of the EELA Project were privileged to be part of the highly successful 7th SADC Industrialisation Week and Exhibition in Harare, Zimbabwe.

Aligning with the theme of the SIW, namely “Promoting innovation to unlock opportunities for sustainable economic growth and development towards an industrialised SADC”, the Project hosted two well-attended parallel sessions as well as a high-level panel discussion and a full-day training session for ESCOs. Additionally, the team participated in a UNIDO session on Industrial Matters.

All the sessions were very well attended and attracted delegates from member state governments, the private sector and academia.

UNIDO sessions

On 30 July 2024, Ms. Fatou Haidara, the UNIDO Deputy to the Director General, Managing Director of the Directorate of Global Partnerships and External Relations and the DG’s Special Representative for Africa, gave the keynote address during the plenary session on “Unpacking the theme of the 7th SADC Industrialisation Week”. In her address, she focused on UNIDO’s role in promoting innovation to unlock opportunities for sustainability.

Ms. Haidara subsequently also opened a UNIDO session on industrial matters. Presentations covered UNIDO’s work in the areas of industrial skills development, decarbonization and cleantech value chains, digitalization and AI in industrial development, the pharmaceutical industry, eco/integrated agro parks and agribusiness, industrial energy efficiency and sustainable energy for industrial parks, and cluster development. The session concluded with remarks from UNIDO’s representatives to Zimbabwe and Madagascar.

EELA-hosted sessions

On 31 July, the EELA project hosted a session on strengthening market development for energy-efficient appliances in the two regions. Ms. Haidara’s opening remarks, delivered by Ms. Matilda Muweme, highlighted UNIDO's efforts in supporting harmonized energy efficiency policies and standards to ensure access to high quality and energy efficient products and appliances, such as refrigerators and air-conditioners. In her welcoming remarks, Ms. Mapalao Mokoena, Director of Energy and Infrastructure at the SADC Secretariat, expressed strong support for the EELA project and appreciation for its impact to date. Speakers included Ms. Karin Reiss-Haimbala from UNIDO, Mr. Readlay Makaliki from SACREEE, Dr. Theo Covary from Unlimited Energy Resources, and Ms. Aurora Rios from Black Forest Solutions.

The Project was honoured to have Zimbabwe’s Minister of Industry and Commerce, His Excellency Mr. N. M. Ndlovu, joining the session. He referred Zimbabwe’s NDCs which identified energy as one of the key sectors that offer opportunities for the country to reduce its emissions. “I would like to say that Zimbabwe has committed itself, and will continue to invest in more efficient ways of using and utilising our energy”, he confirmed.

This session was followed by a high-level panel discussion on Regional Harmonisation of Energy Efficiency Policies and Standards. The discussion was moderated by Ms. Ashanti Mbanga from Sanedi, with panellists Mr. Denis Ariho, Lead Technical Expert, EACREEE; Mr. Sosten Ziuku, Director of Energy, Ministry of Energy and Power Development of Zimbabwe; Mr. Mandla Vilakati, Principal Energy Officer, Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy, Eswatini; and Ms. Emma Laswai, Deputy Executive Secretary, Tanzania Renewable Energy Association. Discussions focused on how the harmonisation of energy efficiency policies and standards facilitates market integration, reduces technical barriers to trade, and enhances energy security across regions.

Given the importance of strong private sector involvement to achieve a market of high-quality energy efficient services and products, the EELA project provides support for innovative delivery models for energy efficient services and products such as those provided by ESCOs and other Public-Private Partnerships or private initiatives. In support of this objective, the Project hosted a parallel session on Accelerating Sustainable Energy Investments in Africa through ESCOs, featuring speakers from UNIDO, SACREEE, the SADC Business Council, the South African ESCO Association, and Ark Energy. The session explored barriers and opportunities in the ESCO market, and was followed by a hybrid training session on energy efficiency as a business. Both sessions were well attended, with requests for the training to be repeated in a number of member countries.

The 7th SADC Industrialisation Week provided a valuable platform for the EELA Project to highlight its efforts in promoting energy efficiency and sustainable economic growth in the region. The successful sessions and high-level participation demonstrated the project's impact and the importance of ongoing collaboration.