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EELA Expert and Partner Meeting : Driving Policy Innovations and Technology Upscale for Energy Efficiency in Africa

EELA Partner and Expert Meeting Stockholm March 2025

EELA Expert and Partner Meeting in Stockholm

In the realm of energy efficiency—a highly interconnected ecosystem where the adoption of new sustainable practices relies on technology as much as on policy—aligning partnerships and understanding the key levers for delivering innovative solutions are essential for achieving tangible program results. With this spirit in mind, the Expert and Partner Meeting of the EELA Program, launched in December 2024 with funding from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), brought together over 40 partners, primarily from Africa, along with high-level representatives from the broader stakeholder ecosystem.

The meeting, which ran from March 10 to 15 in Stockholm, focused on discussing the new regional framework of EELA, gaining technical insights from experts, and witnessing firsthand the research and development of energy-efficient industrial components by leading companies in the field. Representatives from the Swedish Energy Agency (SEA) and Sida actively participated in the EELA Expert and Partner Meeting, including Sida’s Director General, Jacob Granit, and Maria van Berlekom, Head of Unit for Southern Africa and Regional Africa. Emphasizing the importance of the initiative, van Berlekom stated during the meeting's introductory session: “EELA, implemented in partnership with UNIDO, is one of our strategic initiatives aimed at enhancing industrial energy efficiency, reducing emissions, and creating long-term sustainable solutions for green growth in developing countries. We are truly pleased to see EELA expanding in the region in Kenya, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. These initiatives clearly demonstrate how solutions can be tailored to specific needs while also fostering shared synergies”.

During the meeting, discussions underscored the critical role of partnerships in scaling energy efficiency efforts. UNIDO, through the EELA Program, has established strong collaborations with regional economic communities such as SADC, EAC, and ECOWAS, as well as with private sector stakeholders. “Africa has an ambitious Industrialization Agenda and faces a challenging projected increase in energy demand. Achieving this goal requires strong partnerships, such as those UNIDO, through EELA, has established with SADC, EAC, ECOWAS, and the private sector,” stated Rana Ghoneim, Chief of the Division of Energy and Climate Action at UNIDO. Ghoneim highlighted how EELA initiatives contribute to poverty reduction, job creation—especially for women—health improvements, and environmental benefits, fostering a sustainable and competitive industrialization process. “Energy efficiency is often termed as the 'first fuel' in a just and clean energy transition, as it offers some of the quickest and most cost-effective options for CO2 mitigation, reducing energy bills while strengthening energy security. The EELA Program will support an industrialization process that is not only sustainable and competitive but fosters livelihoods and collaboration – between regions and countries – supporting the intra-African market for energy efficiency interventions”, she continued.

To expedite the supply of energy-efficient and policy-compliant industrial components in the African market, the EELA Program has prioritized building a robust digital platform to connect the demand for and supply of technologies. Named the Industry Clean-Technology Platform (ICTP) and currently under development, the platform will offer a one-stop shop designed not only to provide industries with access to innovative technologies at competitive prices but also to offer investment planning tools and catalytic grants, fostering partnerships and driving the adoption of energy efficiency solutions across sub-Saharan Africa. Adam Öjdahl, 1st Secretary and Regional Energy Advisor at the Embassy of Sweden in Nairobi, emphasized the impact that the platform will have on the African private sector: "The Industry Clean-Tech Platform will act as a broker between industries and technology suppliers. Hosted by our partner manufacturing associations, it will connect industries with suitable companies and technologies to support their green transition. To ensure ownership and technical relevance, the platform will feature an advisory board and technical working groups to assess the technical pertinence of the proposed technology," he stated.

During the different sessions, expert presentations emphasized other key areas of the EELA Program, including the harmonization of Minimum Energy Performance (MEP) Standards in appliances, lighting, and industrial equipment. This harmonization is a cornerstone for trade facilitation and market integration, reducing compliance costs and improving product quality and efficiency. Discussions also focused on Market Verification and Enforcement mechanisms to ensure the implementation of regulatory requirements, thereby maximizing their economic impact. In addition, the meeting explored opportunities presented by Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, particularly in international emission trading and low-carbon growth strategies.

The EELA Expert and Partner meeting also provided partners and stakeholders with the chance to experience firsthand how technical innovation is fostered and driven by project partners. At the Swedish Energy Agency's Testlab, participants discovered how the agency has decided to invest since 2011 in its own testing capacity rather than outsourcing. The Testlab conducts tests on light sources, evaluating their functionality, service life, and quality, ensuring their sustainability throughout their lifecycle, from manufacturing to recycling. Through this strategic approach, the Swedish Energy Agency has positioned Sweden among the world leaders in efficient lighting and energy use, contributing to global test standards and supporting the transition to sustainable solutions.

The exploration of next-generation energy efficiency solutions continued with visits to two leading Swedish companies. At Xylem, a global provider of innovative water management solutions, participants explored advanced pumping technologies tailored for industries such as agriculture, mining, and wastewater treatment. Their pumps are designed to handle large debris or objects in water flows, making them particularly suited for contexts with high levels of stormwater or debris, as is common in Africa. These systems require less maintenance and are both energy-efficient and cost-effective.

Another stop was Munters, a Swedish company specializing in evaporative cooling, dehumidification, and heat recovery. Munters' research is not only looking for solutions to increase energy efficiency rates but also to enhance machinery performance. Their dehumidification solutions significantly reduce energy consumption in industrial settings, exemplifying the dual benefits of energy efficiency: lowering energy costs by up to 30% while achieving up to 100% greater water absorption efficiency.

These innovative technologies, policy frameworks, and market mechanisms will form the core focus of the EELA Program as it moves forward. Building on the achievements of the previous EELA project, conducted in the SADC and ECOWAS regions from 2019 to 2024, the new EELA program has now expanded to include East African countries (EAC) and will run until 2029. Its aim is to accelerate the uptake of energy efficiency solutions at multiple levels, including industrial practices, clean policy development, and financing mechanisms to ensure that energy efficiency becomes a driver for enforcing sustainable livelihoods in Africa.